It's so very difficult to explain to someone what that means. But when you are someone like me, you tend to have an on/off switch. When I was younger, that switch got flipped a lot more. Now with age and experience, I have been able to keep that switch on. Even when everything in me was screaming to turn the it off and shut the door. To walk away and not look back. I have kept the switch turned on. The light bulbs were mostly burnt out, but that didn't stop me from believing that they would turn on again. Now...... well now I think it's time to walk away. Because I can't keep the lights on all by myself. And I am sick to death of trying. If being put into the position where I am a bad - fill in the blank - if I don't keep at it. If I don't do everything possible, I will regret it.
Guess what people? I am not a saint. Not even close to one. In fact, I am the opposite side of the saintly spectrum. I would never intentionally hurt another person, but god damn am I sick of walking around on eggshells and biting my tongue. What about my feelings? You know, I do have feelings. I guess I have been so good at building walls that other people forget that I am a mere human with human emotions. And then I get hurt and I shut down. The switch flips and I am D-O-N-E done.
The last couple of days have been so emotionally draining for me and I feel like pulling my hair out. That or sticking my head in an oven until I look like a crazy Helena Bonham Carter character. I don't really think it's fair that as a woman I am automatically judged by two standards. How good a mother I am and how good a wife I am. That's not fair. Especially since I work in a highly professional world where I am not only at the top of my game, but I am very respected within the market I work. I have busted my ass for the last seven years to make sure that I got where I have and I don't appreciate that being brushed aside because other people think I have to fit into a mommy mold.
Don't get me wrong, the greatest joy in my life are my two children and the fact that I have managed to raise very wonderful kids. But it pisses me the fuck off that I am first judged by those two standards and that I am being made to feel like a failure because one of them isn't doing so well. Again.
I am so over trying to live up to other people's expectations of me - including my family's. I love them, but they can be very judgmental even though they try not to be. I can't stay in a situation that makes me so unhappy. Not for me, not for my children, not for anyone. And the biggest problem is that I am going to end up hurting someone that I truly love. But loving someone and being able to be with them are two different things and I am now starting to recognize that. I am now beginning to understand that I shouldn't have to be hurt over and over again by someone who should cherish me. And before you start the lynching, let me just say that it doesn't meant that they are a bad person, because they are the opposite of that. But I just can't live like this anymore.
I don't care if anyone reads this. Or my blog anymore for that fact. I am going back to what I originally set this up for and that is an outlet for my emotions. Good, bad or ugly this is the place where it's all going to come out, so hold on to your cocks.... it's gonna be a bumpy ride.